Who are Scottish Rite Masons...

The Scottish Rite is an appendant body of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the degrees conferred in Blue Lodge. The Scottish Rite confers 29 degrees. The 33 degree is an honorary degree that is conferred by the Supreme Council for outstanding work in the community or Rite.

When we meet...

Our Valley meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month with the exception of June, July and August, at the Masonic Center at 521 North Street in Tumwater Washington, and have a program either at dinner or just prior to our meeting. Ladies are invited to all dinners. We invite all sojourners to visit and enjoy good Brotherhood. we have a dinner at 6:30 with the meeting to follow at 7:30 PM.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A note from Ill.Bro. Kris Graap

Happy Labor Day to you all!  As we begin to close our summer and transition to autumn, I hope you have a relaxing day of reflection over the many contributions of organized labor to the strength of our nation.  
It is interesting to review the 8th Degree (Intendant of the Building) and its lessons.  While it clearly acknowledges the need for capitalism and for the duty of an employee to his employer; it is equally clear of the responsibility of an employer to respect his laborers, and the respect society owes to all who honestly toil.  Whether a person works in a field, factory, or laboratory; whether he works with his hands or his head; whether he carries a union card or not; his efforts as a human being should be respected by all.
It is also interesting to note that the history of Freemasonry includes many celebrated leaders of organized labor, among them Brother Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor.  You can read about the history of Samuel Gompers Lodge #45 MWGL F&AM of DC through this link: http://www.sgbf45.org/uploads/History_of_SGBF_for_GL_200th_Anniversary.pdf

In other news, please join us Wednesday September 11 for our Friendship Night.  While we’ll conduct a small amount of business, most of the meeting will be open to friends and family, including any potential candidates. 

On Wednesday September 25 we will confer the 4th Degree.  This will be our first conferral since the untimely passing of Br. Jack Sowers.   And while he is sorely missed, our new Br. Jon Wolf has very ably stepped up to the plate.  I can tell you that Br. Jon’s zeal in taking on this role has been personally inspiring to me, and he and his cast will do an outstanding job!  I sincerely hope that we will have a large contingent of side-liners – including you!   

On Sunday September 22 at 1pm, three of our Olympia Brothers will be given the Knight Commander Court of Honour:  Jon Kime, Jon Anderson, and Fred Sjöquist.  The KCCH ceremony is open to the public, and will be held at the Seattle Scottish Rite Center.  Carpooling anyone?

Finally, Happy Birthday to the following Brothers:  Tony Woods (8/26), Gary Norton (9/3), Jon Lenander (9/17), and Mike Kreidler (9/28).

VM Kris

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